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작성자 National Museum
작성일 2018-05-09 (수) 19:05
홈페이지 https://goo.gl/La9RxB
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IP: 222.xxx.166
【OPENCALL】 Application for 1st Resident Artists at National Museum of Prehistory, Taitung, Taiwan |Due by 11th June 23:59 (Taipei Time)

This residency program is open to contemporary artists from around the world who are interested in Austronesian languages and prehistoric cultures. By digging deeper into one's own method of thought, artists can unearth a symbolic language unique to their own practice. This program will bring artists into archaeological research facilities where it will be possible to make close observations of Dapenkeng cultural artifacts, and space will be opened up for more in-depth conversation and exchange with other researchers at the museum. At the same time, artists will also have the chance to embark on off-site expeditions of the ruin locations along the east coast of Taiwan.

○ Residency Location: Peinan Cultural Park, Taitung City, Taiwan
○ Residency Period:2018.08.01-2018.09.30
○ Open Call:2018.4.12 - 2018.6.11 (Due by Taipei Time 23:59)
○ Material:Non-Limited
○ Application:Contact Wanling, Huang with nmp.opencall@gmail.com
○ More Info:https://goo.gl/La9RxB https://www.facebook.com/nmp.opencall/
【徵件】《未來遺址:用藝術挖掘歷史》2018年第一屆臺灣史前文化博物館駐館藝術家徵件公告【NMP OPENCALL】-“Future Historical Site: Art Exploring History” Application Guideline for 1st Resident Artists at Natio
2018/04/12-2018/06/11 《未來遺址:用藝術挖掘歷史》藝術家駐館徵件,即日起至6月11日(23:59)止。 2018/04/12-2018/06/11 “Future Historical Site: Art Exploring History” is calling for artists residency! The application deadline is 11th June (23:59 Taiwan time).
번호     글 제 목  작성자 작성일 조회
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(48927) 부산광역시 중구 동광길 43 | TEL 051-724-5201 | mail:openspacebae@hanmail.net
Alternative space_ Openspace Bae, 43 Donggwang-gil, Jung-gu, Busan, Korea | Tel. +82-51-724-5201
산복도로1번지프로젝트 | 안雁창窓고庫프로젝트